Attorney Geoff Hand will be presenting at the 2024 State and Local Government Municipal Day hosted by the Agency of Natural Resources, in cooperation with Vermont Emergency Management, The Natural Resources Board, the Agency of Transportation, and the Agency of Agriculture Food & Markets. The conference will be held on November 1, 2024 and provides a day of workshops for Vermont’s local government officials.
Geoff will be speaking on a panel on the future of land use regulation in Vermont. The workshop will provide an overview of the significant changes to Act 250 adopted this year in the legislature under Act 181 and how these changes affect state, municipal, and regional planning commission processes. Topics covered will include the timeline for implementing Act 181 as well as the interim exemptions that provide an on ramp to the new “tiered” system of land use review.
The Agency of Commerce and Community Development representatives will discuss the incentive programs of the new Community Investment Board, and Municipal and Regional Planning Commission representatives will discuss their roles developing updated plans and to implement the new tiered system and designated areas.
You can register for the conference here.
Geoff Hand is a Partner at SRH Law and helps his clients navigate complex legal and regulatory challenges with thoughtful, cost-effective counsel. His practice focuses primarily on energy and environmental law, real estate and land use litigation, municipal law, and general civil litigation.